
write code for p5 js. write code for a strongly simplified game of counter strike.


Sure, here's a very simplified version of a Counter-Strike game using p5.js. In this game, the player is stationary and shoots at moving targets. The targets move across the screen from right to left, and the player has to shoot them before they disappear off the left side of the screen.


write the part of the code where you wrote "// TODO: add bullet logic"


Sure, here's an example of how you could implement basic bullet logic in the game:

In this code, when the player presses the spacebar, a new bullet is added to the bullets array with its initial position set to the middle of the player's position. In the draw() function, we loop through all the bullets in the bullets array, and for each one, we draw it on the screen and move it up the screen by a fixed amount. If a bullet goes off the top of the screen, it is removed from the array. If a bullet collides with the target, the score is incremented, the target is reset to a new position, and both the bullet and target are removed from their respective arrays. Note that in this example, the bullets are represented as simple rectangles, but you could use more advanced graphics or physics engines to create a more realistic bullet behavior.

(TLDR: left right for moving, space bar for shooting)